Christmas 2013

Friday, January 24, 2014

Gavin and i were very excited for Christmas as it was our first one together. It was very strange for me as it was my first one not waking up with my family and having my brothers super excited on Christmas morning. It wasn't as hard for Gavin as he had two years away from his family on his mission.

He kept telling me a sad story that on his first Christmas on his mission, everyone in his ward assumed that someone else was looking after the missionaries on Christmas, and in the end no one did, and he and his companion spent the day alone. It makes me sad to think of him missing his family and having no one looking out for them for the day and not having a nice meal with anyone. I think that we will always make sure that the missionaries have somewhere to go every Christmas in our own ward :)

On Christmas eve, Gavin's brother, Tim and his wife Rebecca and their kids came over to celebrate Christmas with us. It is nice that they live in Tasmania too, but hard because they are in Hobart. It was nice to see them for Christmas. We had a nice day with them, having lunch, catching up and exchanging presents. The kids were very excited!

After they left Gavin and i went shopping for some Christmas food and had tea together. I sewed us some Christmas jammies, it was my first attempt at pjs! We are total dorks, but we totally don't care :)

We had a yummy tea of cold meats and biscuit and dip.

And then, the best part - fondu for desert :)

While we were eating we watched Gavin's favourite Christmas movie - Jingle all the way. We got to watch mine - Miracle on 34th street on boxing day..

Christmas morning was fun - we slept in late and then got up to open up presents. We tried to tell Charlie that it was family time, but he just wanted to lick himself. Silly cat.

I got Gavin this Sheldon bobble head. After it started up we totally regretted it! I thought that it had a button press, but it is actually on a sensor. It has become a stupid game in our house now - someone hides it somewhere where it will go off when you walk past so that it scares them (usually in the dark!)

Gavin was in LOVE with the present i bought him - beats by dre headphones. It was his wish come true. Too bad for him that i didn't realise you need batteries for them as they are wireless and we had none in the house ;)

We had a yummy breakfast of eggs benedict :)

 Gavin's present to me - a polaroid camera. I love it :)

After breakfast we headed out to mum and dad's house. 
When Morgan & Alex got there we exchanged presents. It was so cute seeing how excited the boys were, especially Asha. He is so much fun! 

We had a yummy Christmas tea with everyone. Poor Nana had gastro and had to stay at home. It felt so weird without her there, definitely felt her presence missing. She still managed to send along delicious pork and pavlova though.

After tea the boys showed us their new motorbikes and we had a bit of a ride.
Asha was so cute telling me that 'the elves made his bike' :)

He is being a 'zooombie' (zombie) here... (from minecraft).

Asha was also cute showing me his cubby house and bbq, and having a picnic with me :)

{Side note - really wish i gave Gavin a haircut before Christmas!}

My lovely nativity set from Myer! I wanted it before Christmas but couldn't justify it, but grabbed it for 50% off in the boxing day sales - yay!

Our Christmas present from mum & dad - a tv cabinet :)

When it got dark we headed home again. It was a nice first Christmas together. The day felt so quiet to me, especially not being with my family in the morning.

Gavin and i are excited to have a family of our own on future Christmases (no, that is not an announcement!) and start traditions with them, it is very exciting :) 

Insta-life {November & December}

Friday, January 3, 2014

The last two months of the year were crazy busy, and i have been slack with blogging. One of my new years resolution is to take more pictures and blog more! So now it's time to play catch up.


 {left to right, from the top}

1. Jory and Asha came to play while Morgan graduated college.. They wanted a 'sleep over'.
2. Gavin hates my new rug and made us get this one. 
3. Went to Jack & Jess' engagement party. 
4. The days got warmer and we played more outside during in home care. 
5. Jory had surgery and recovered well. 
6. Our niece, Emma, turned one. 
7. Emma likes our birthday present for her. 
8. Emma's first birthday cake smash.
 9. Gavin and i had a busy few weeks (with opposite shifts) and finally got to spend some time together.

 1. The sun was out so we went to the beach in George town. Gavin showed me where he used to live. 
2. Crab at the beach. 
3. More beach. 
4. Asha came to play.
5. A Christmas decoration that i found in a shop that i just love. 
6. Raspberry farm for lunch, for mum's birthday. 
7. Christmas tree in the mall + Asha. 
8. Healthy juice. We still love our juicer. 
9. Charlie models for Christmas photos. 

1. Gavin weeds the garden and keeps the roses alive. 
2. Our first Christmas tree. We made it (if you can't tell). 
3. A lovely nativity that is hand made in Sri Lanka (and the money from buying it goes to people in need in Sri Lanka). 
4. Cleaned out some cupboards and found my wedding dress. Wish there was somewhere else that i could wear it, love it so much! 
5. Gavin picked me a rose. 
6. Found an easy no cook play dough recipe for in home care. 
7. Finally got some instagram pictures printed into a poster.
8. Charlie naps on our bed. 
9. I had tonsillitis for a while and it really knocked me about. I was glad to start feeling better! Gavin did such a good job of taking care of me. 

And that was November!! 


1. My bestie, Kiara, turned 21. 
2. Asha being crazy at Kiara's party.
3. Asha had a robot & rocket 4th birthday party. 
4. Asha enjoying his rocket birthday cake. 
5. Asha loving his George teddy from Peppa Pig. 
6. We got curtains! 
7. Daddy pig, Mummy pig, Peppa & George go to Batman's batcave for tea. 
8. Took Charlie in the car to pick up Gavin from work. 
9. Charlie says hello to Alex's fish.

1. End of year staff dinner for Subway. (Theme - country & western). 
2. At the work dinner. 
3. Gavin gets 'best senior sandwich artist for his store. 
4. Someone please tell Gavin that Movember is over ;) 
5. Beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
6. I got a new car. 
7. Also got a new laptop. 
8. Jacqui's baby, Nate, was born. 
9. Having a cuddle with Nate. 

 1. Christmas sewing. 
2. Hit my first animal in the new Ford Focus. 
3. The Christmas jammies that i made. 
4. Christmas Eve together. 
5. Fondu on Christmas Eve. 
6. Our first Christmas together. 
7. Gavin's present to me - polaroid camera. Love it so much. 
8. Riding Asha's new motorbike 'that the elves made'. 
9. Christmas Day rides. 

1. Playing in Asha's new cubby house. He told me to take my shoes off because 'there's carpet inside'.. i said 'oh, is there?'.. he said 'it's not real Makayla, just pretend!'
2. The nativity scene that i spotted before Christmas dropped to half price in the boxing day sale! 
3. Christmas Day selfie from my polaroid camera.
4. Me & Gavin, Kiara & Richard at greens beach. 
5. Morgan & Alex at greens beach. 
6. More of greens beach. 
7. Our Christmas present from mum & dad - a tv cabinet. We're slowly getting some furniture! 
8. At the shack for a few days in St Helens. 
9. New years eve on the beach in St Helens.

And that's December! November and December both flew by!
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