I've been super slack with posting my Instagram photos lately, but i am catching up now :) i love these small snippets of our months. I'm @makayla_jack if you want to follow me.
Left to right, from top to bottom
1. Gavin meeting James.
2. I got a letter with a date for surgery! After over a year waiting.
3. My new books for while i am off work for surgery.
4. Picking olives for Grandad.
5. Olives that we picked.
6. Beautiful day at Grandad's.
7. We picked about 15 buckets this big of olives.
8. Family time.
9. Jory's 11th birthday.
1. James' first movie ;) We saw 'sex tape', so hilarious!
2. Quick day trip to Hobart.
3. Hobart warf.
4. Asha at Hobart warf.
5. Asha.
6. Nandos.
7. Waking up after surgery.
8. So glad surgery is over!
9. I can finally eat again after surgery!
1. They had no 'get well soon' balloons, so Gavin brought me a 'happy birthday' balloon to the hospital.
2. Came home from hospital to my bedroom full of balloons.
3. A little box of sunshine from a sweet friend.
4. Baby James came to visit me! <3 nbsp="" p="">
5. Recovery reading.
6. So much pain during the night from surgery. (i got it sorted though).
July was a pretty quiet month with me going to hospital to have surgery, but i am glad that it is over and i have recovered. The year is going too fast! :)