A life changing decision??

Friday, March 5, 2010

Warning- This post gets a little deep and meaningful! =P

For the last 7 years all i have wanted to do when i have finished school is to become a psychologist. I have been dead set on it. I studied the right subjects and all that, but still kept my options open (except i havent studied a science limiting me to not be able to study medicine)...
Up until a few months ago this is all i wanted to do... Im not exactly sure what changed my mind. I know that Noah King played a big part in it, but other than that im not too sure. Anyway. Over the last five months or so i have been getting a "feeling" that it is not what i should do, that there is something else out there better suited for me.
I have been pondering that and praying about it. Bishop told me i would probably need to fast every single Sunday for 3 months before i received an answer. I didn't need to do that. The answer came straight away. I want to work with children with disabilities. Whether that be in a home based area or something like St Giles, i discovered that i am really passionate about this!!!!!
So i made an appointment with the careers counsellor at school the very next day- and she had a cancellation so i got in that very day and discussed what i should study beyond grade 12 etc. She said i can go to Uni OR Tafe.. But i would rather have a Uni degree behind me..
But anyway this is a long intro into what this post is about!

On the daily notices at school they advertised a gap year programme. They have been doing this for years and i have honestly never taken notice or even thought about it before. But it caught my attention. It is a programme called "Lattitude" and offer gap year placements in 15 countries around the world...

I went along to the meeting and met the lady and got some information. It is all about volunteering in another country. Some of the positions are: teacher, schools assistant, english teacher, outdoor activities instructor, community worker and caring assistant. It is for people aged 17-25 and they send something like 6000 people a year. It is a non profit organisation, and it looks fantastic!

They send people to: Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, Fiji, India, Ireland, Japan, Malawi, Mexico, Poland, South Africa, United Kingdom, Vanuatu and Vietnam. Where you do depends on what volunteer posistion you want to do. To know more go to http://www.lattitude.org.au/

One of the things you can volunteer as is a caring assistant. This means you will be working with people with disabilities in hospitals, homes, orphanages etc. There are positions for this in Canda, Japan, Uk and Ireland. I cant go to Japan as i cant say anthing apart from hello my name is makayla!
But i have decided that i REALLY want to do it! I told mum about it on the phone and she was like "hmmm, just bring the info here next time you come and we'll take a look" .. But i have decided that this is just perfect and i would love the opportunity! You can be gone for anytime between 3 months to a year, depending on where you go.

Of course there is a cost involved, but it is fairly cheap. The main cost is $2900. This covers accomidation and food etc. The only other thing you need to pay for are airfaires. They do deals with the flight centre so they're a bit cheaper. Oh and things like passports etc.

It sounds crazy, but it also sounds awesome! At first i was thinking, there is no way ill do that, ill just go to uni next year. But then i started thinking- why not!? What have i got to lose? I will be finished grade 12 with my whole life ahead of me, and this is a fantastic opportunity. Im thinking why shouldn't i!!?? When will i ever do it again? The only thing is you need you application in by May! Better make sure that i am sure very soon- and get saving!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you think????????

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The Kings said...

I think it sounds awesome. Just traveling and living in another country gives you so much experience in life. I would look to go somewhere where the church is quite big so you can still be involved a lot in church and the YSA program in another country as it would be an awesome experience just doing that.

Better hurry and get a job so you can start saving!

The Kings said...
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Anonymous said...

i wish that sort of program was about when i was a YSA...i would have grabbed at it with both hands and been working day all night and studying all day....But I guess that is me...you have to decide what is right for you...certainly the experience of living in another ciunrty and experiencing their culture will have its challeges but there will be the a world of wonderful memories...Life is what you make it and if you are positive then your experiences will be positive...the church is everywhere and you always have that to support you wherever you go...sorry for the epistle...but Go for it..start saving now...

Unknown said...

Wow what a great opportunity! And as you said you have your whole life ahead of you why not do something a little different while making a change in another persons life.

Simone Triffitt said...

Once you've made the decision, pray about the decision, then if it feels right, go for it!!

So many people regret doing stuff like this when they are older and don't have the opportunity anymore.


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