Catching up with Booty!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It has come to my attention that i have been very slack in telling you what Booty has been up to!!! And it is a LOT!!!!
Do you remember my last post about his first four epic adventures?? If not, read it for a laugh ;)

Well, after visiting with Lisa, Booty wanted to go to the park for a play. Erin opted to stay in the car for a nana nap but Eve was more than happy to be my accomplice. =)
We got up to lots of random and mishevious things in City Park, but unfortunately the photos havn't needed to make an appearance just yet- too many other interesting things!!!

Anyway, we played on the flying fox, which Booty LOVED!

We visited the monkeys and decided that what we were doing was in fact "monkey business" and needed a photo with that!

On the way home Booty wanted some noodles from the Noodle Box, Eve was more than happy to carry him inside for a picture... (He hurt his leg on the flying fox!!!). WHAT a day!!!!

A while later Booty decided he needed to work off the noodles and decided to visit the house of King again, and join three totally awesome people at the gym!!! He was very disgraced to be placed next to such a dodgy sign, but it couldn't be helped as he didn't want a photo while he was in the middle of a workout!! (Yes i said three awesome people, Bonnie was there too=)

A few days later he was missing his mummy and decided to pay her a visit. In the interest of avoiding a kidnapping he decided that he would stay outside for a photo.. He was very pleased to stop in at his "home" after being away for so long. And very pleased that his mummy wasn't around as she is desperate to get him back and he is loving being out on his own at the moment, and isn't quite ready to go back just yet. =)

On the way to the Billy Cart challenge, Booty wanted to stop at his favourite place in the whole world; Dunorlan. Booty loves that area as much as i do!! He liked the look of a lucious green paddock and some cows, but unfortunately the accomplice, Morgan wasn't keen to get into the actual paddock to this side of the fence was as close as he got =( The cows weren't happy with this and soon started charging, so we decided to get out of there!! Sadly he waited in the car at the Billy Cart challenge as there would be too many opportunitites for him to be kidnapped!

Sadly after so many adventures, and hurting his leg on the flying fox, Booty's legs had to be amputated =( Sob sob!!!

A few weeks later Booty had the opportuntity of a life time and was able to meet Kenneth Cope! He is an LDS singer from Utah who performed a concert and fireside for all the youth =) Kenneth was almost as excited as Booty to get a photo!!! What an amazing oppotunity!!!! =D

At the Christmas Fest a few weeks ago Booty was really mad at me because he had to remain hidden from some certain people who were after me and him!!! We tried to get a photo with the Christmas Tree but we saw someone running at us, and then someone else running at us with a box in her hands! So, this is the only photo we managed- one with her butt in the photo- lucky it's skinny or we'd have all been blocked out!!! ;)

After trying to get that photo, i decided Booty needed to be safely hidden away again. I was on my way to put him back behind the couch for safe keeing.. WHEN out of nowhere came Sacha running full pelt towards me!!! She didn't care that i was saying "no running in the Chapel" over and over!!! She chased me outside and all around the chapel, BUT she reckons that she didn't want her cup cake to get squished so she gave up- HAHA- more like she couldn't out run me or catch me so she gave up, right Sacha!? ;) She was brutal- look at her shove me into the wall!!!! Booty is lucky that i saved him from her clutches!!!

Then last night we went to Harry's River flats. We had an "amazing race" challenge with all the Deloraine young men and young women. While we were waiting for everyone to arrive we put our plan in motion. Booty was mad at me for not letting him swim at the awesome river hole on the Billy Cart day when it was SO hot!! So i said he could swim on Tuesday night. He REALLY wanted to jump off the platform BUT it was about 5 degrees in the water =) Tayla and i decided that since we love him sooo much that we would do it anyway. Of course we put wetsuits on. We ran out off the jetty and into the water, swam over and climbed up. Booty was packing it at the top and had to psych himself up a LOT before he could jump!!!!!!
In the end it took about ten photos to get a decent one, and that one really isn't that great! BUT- he had fun!!!

Sadly while we were drying off Booty was stolen from us!!! We thought he was safely in the car but he wasn't =(
The boys think they are really funny and have a photo on Facebook already- BUT, never fear! We have an AWESOME plan that will be put into effect once we have let them have a little tiny bit of fun with him. There are some REALLY awesome, exciting places that Booty is just dying to visit, that i can absolutely gaurantee no sign has EVER, EVER been before.
I know i have said about almost every photo "this is the best one" but we have some REALLY awesome ones coming up- not to be missed!!!!!!! Watch Facebook and this space for the most exciting photos ever!!!!! (Don't hold your breaths though, they may be AFTER the fat man in the red suit pays us a visit) =D

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The Kings said...

ha ha - it's funny all the things this boot camp sign has been up to! The best one is Kenneth, jumping off the platform and I also love the look on yours and Tayla's face as I'm coming at you with the box!!!

I'm cracking up that the YM have stolen it too - now you know how it feels :) Excited to see what other adventures he gets up to with the YM .

Unknown said...

My my my Booty has been a busy boy! Talk about a few close shaves he has had. I wonder where his adventures will take him next!

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