Asha was born on the 7th December 2009 at 12:03pm. He only weighed 8lb 5oz- making him mum's smallest baby after me =)
He didn't have a name for the first day, but then it was decided he looked like an Asha (well really mum thought that and dad finally agreed as it was the name mum wanted all along)..
We think he is beautiful- but then we are biased!
He is a good boy and will just sit there contented while everyone else goes about their business. He doesn't like to be fussed very much, but we LOVE to fuss him! Mum and i couldn't resist this cute as little santa suit in K-mart the other day.. He kept trying to eat the pom pom- it was SO hard to get a photo as we were wetting ourselves laughing!
Asha has a swing that we sit him in sometimes- although we don't like to turn it on as it goes REALLY dangerously high and we are scared he will fly out as he doesn't have enough weight to weigh it down!!!
Asha goes to bed at around 11pm and sleeps until 4 or 5am depending what he feels like =) He has four hourly feeds and ALWAYS has to be woken up! He would sleep all day if we let him!
He hardly ever cries, he only does when he is being fussed and cuddled too much when he is hungry.
Asha loves to have baths. He pulls the cutest little faces and looks so contented. He kicks his legs and waves his arms.
Asha is very loved by everyone in our family. He recieves hundreds of kisses everyday. Evertime we walk past we stop and say hello to him and give him a kiss. We all often wander into mum and dad's room while he is sleeping to "check" on him- but really just to stare at his angel face and give him another kiss.
Asha always stops sooking when mum picks him up.
Asha loves dad and opens up his eyes to look at him a lot.
Jory loves Asha very much. He isn't jealous of him, but always wants to cuddle & kiss him or hold him.
Chey is Asha's oldest brother, and seems to have grown older overnight! Chey loves babies and little kids. He always wants to give them kisses and touch their hands. Chey is great with Asha and loves him very much.
Morgan loves Asha lots- so much that she never sooks about changing his dirty nappy!!
And me?? I could sit and talk to Asha for hours. I tell him all sorts of things about our lives and about him. I tell him how much we all love him.
I thought that our life would change HEAPS when Asha was born.. But it didn't. Not much is different really. We have a few extra pieces of furniture around, and an extra pile on the floor when we fold the washing.. But i did forget how long it takes to get organised to go somewhere though, making sure he is fed, changed, bag packed etc.. But we don't mind =)
At first we couldn't figure out who he looks like.. He has a red tinge to his hair which is totally random and will probably go blonde. We thought he looked the most like Chey did when he was little, but then we found a baby photo of mum and it could almost be Asha! He looks lots like her side of the family.
At first i kept looking at him and thinking "he looks like someone" .. but then i figured it out! He just looks familiar. We have obviously known him before.
I feel very blessed to have Asha come and join our family. We didn't know how he would fit in, but he does- perfectly =) He sometimes does this thing with his lips, making a face exactly like Stuart did when he was a baby and i know that they were together before Asha came to Earth and Stuart probably taught him a thing or two ;)
In his blessing on Sunday it said that he will be an example to his family and that he will grow up and go on a mission. I feel proud of him already.
He is so sweet, and perfect. Straight from Heavenly Father's presence. How amazing is that!?
I love him very much.
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Such a beautiful post Makayla!! He is a very special little man and lucky to come to such a great family who will love and care for him.
It really hit me how there is such a huge gap between you and him - almost 18 years!! You really could be his mother! He is lucky to have you and Morgan and your brothers to help care for him and so is your Mum to have so much help look after him too! I'm sure he will love having lots of older brothers and sisters as he gets older. He will really look up to you all.
oh Makayla, so awesome! He is adorable, enjoy every minute because he won't be a newborn for long :)
What a lovely post about Asha. He is a very lucky boy to have such a wonderful family to teach him and help him as he grows into a big boy! Enjoy spending this time with him as it goes far too quick, and then they just get attitude!
Loved the post, thanks Mak
Who gave the blessing?
Okay, this now tops my favourite post. The photos, what you said.... it was all perfect!!!
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