On the way we decided to stop and visit Stuart. As i hadn't seen him for ages either.

I wanted some new photos to play with in photoshop so i convinced Jory that being my model would be fun (more like bribed him!). So we went to the bluff for a play. We took scooters and had a ride around, which was fun!

We rode the scooters up to the lighthouse. Stopping at the lookouts and such on the way. What do you think you can see from this lookout??

Oh just this:

And this:

I sure love Tasmania!

I was having lots of fun with my camera!

What is it with boys and throwing rocks anyway? haha

Jory was having heaps of fun jumping off a wall for me, much to the amusement of an elderly couple :)

We then went to the skate park- as promised for being a model for me :)

I was happy to pack my scooter (borrowed from Chey) into the car and take pictures instead.
Jory was giving me a heart attack dropping in from all these HUGE ramps and zooming really fast around the whole thing!

I was having extra fun messing around with my zoom lens- which has quickly become my new favourite toy! :)
Check out Jory's jump!

We then had a little play at the park...

Then went to see Nana and Papa. They both didn't look too good, but are on the mend :) They didn't want any photos though (understandable!) so i settled for one of their house- which i love. They've lived in it for a few years now, it is super nice and we call it the ginderbread house. It is lovely- inside and out. It got too dark to take photos of their lovely gardens though- next time!

It was nice to go out and visit them as i haven't seen them for ages! I am looking forward to going to stay in a few weeks time when they are better :)