On Wednesday night i got back from a fantastic three day young women camp! I know everyone has probably read all about it from Lisa, but if you haven't then go
here because she blogged it beautifully and has lots of details of all the activities whereas im going to do it a bit different... I am just going to tell you my favourite parts, funny moments, and share my favourite photos.
First off i cant take credit for the photos, i only took 5 on my own camera!! Haha. So most of the photos on this post are courtesy of Lisa King photography. The others are from Toni and President Prebble. Thanks heaps guys!I was so excited for camp! We have been looking forward to it for months and months! Finally the day arrived! We were all so happy to finally be there!! There were LOTS of laughs, joking around and games, but there were also the quiet moments, the spiritual moments and the "aw" moments.
I love this picture of me with the camp banner behind me. Lisa look it and said "I've got your new profile picture for Facebook" haha.
There are hardly words for the next photo. I was walking past when Toni snapped a picture of Lisa, and totally didn't realise i was in the background of it being a complete goose! It cracks me up big time!!!! I love it!
I dont remember this photo being taken, but i
think Toni took it, not too sure though!!!
Bek and I
Me writing in my journal- LOVE the pic!!! Thanks Lisa for that one!!!
On the second night we asked Lisa and Sacha to come and have a D&M with us, we totally thought they would say no and want to sleep... BUT they didn't!!! They stayed in our tent until 1:45am! What troopers! They were probably bored out of their brains with talk or boys and other silly things! We loved Sacha's story and i still laugh about it all the time!! Sacha was a huge crack up because whenever someone said anything about a boy she would shine the torch into our eyes and say "return to virtue girls, return to virtue".. I was almost wetting myself it was so funny!!!! The photo is such a crack up and i'm glad i was the one taking it so i wasn't in it =)
Aw. The seven leaving Laurels. I am SO sad to be leaving Young Women's!!!!!!! It is the only thing i have ever known in the church so it is super duper sad and double scary!!!!!!!
Group shot of everyone on the last day. LOVE it!!!
Ah the jetty. The best jetty. You can hang with friends on it, jump off it, brush your teeth on it, even eat your dinner on it.. LOVE it!
Toni asked me to get a picture of the stake yw presidency together on the last day. They got a GREAT picture where they all look fantastic and you cant even tell they have been camping for three days!!! BUT i am going to share the photo of them being silly coz it cracks me up big time!!!! I was laughing at this photo for about half an hour when i first saw it!!!!!! And to think they are our stake leaders- HAHA!
Our yw camp banner... I love the torch in the middle.
SO many memories of swimming! Off we go down the rapids, I'm leading the way followed by Morgan and then Toni...
Tayla and I...
Lisa, Me, Tayla and Toni after everyone else had left... We look rough but i love it!
Tayla and I eating spag bol on the jetty... Good times! I just LOVE the photo!!!! Thanks Pres P!!!!
Jumping off the platform with Abby and Morgan...
Great action shots Lisa!!!
Our very serious group huddle before a game of tug of war!!!! In case you cant tell which one i am, i am on the very right =)
The top of a mountain with our gold banner that pledged our "return to virtue" LOVE it!!!!
Early morning exercise!!! I loved the jog- i was full of energy in the mornings and awake at lole 6:30 both days which was totally random. I felt so alive and rejuvenated!!!!!
Pushing Toni in the river! Man she was so easy to get! Love it!!!
Playing our guitars whilst having a sing-a-long. Pres P LOVES singing and was leading the way with all the songs.
Oops out of order- But Toni is in!!!!
Don't i look scary!!!! I had mascara on the first day and it smudged hahahaha! Thanks for the photo Lisa!
Finally we convinced Louise to jump with us- she wasn't as chicken as Toni who was up there for like 20 minutes- Soooo funny!
Walking across the rocks to save my bum being dragged across them in the rapids!!
Into the rapids! LOVE it Sacha!
Man we looked sooo silly dressed up for our skit!!!! We had so many little jokes that i don't think many people actually got! Like the carrot said "Do you carrot all about your body?" ... At least we crack ourselves up!!!!!!
I had THE BEST TIME EVER on camp!!!!!!!!!! I am so grateful to our AWESOME leaders who made it soooo much fun!!!! I wish it could have gone for way longer. I LOVED LOVED LOVED it!!!!! Wish i could go next year ='( ='(