
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

On the 26th January, i turned 18! How exciting!!
I decided that to celebrate i had to go out on the town and get as drunk as i possibly could! Whilst i was out night clubbing with friends i met a particularly nice fellow and we decided to get hitched right then and there. Not long after we went and voted in the election... haha- NOT!!!! =P
This is how it really went =)
The day didn't start off too well, i went into the bathroom (as you do first thing in the morning) and i noticed all around my eyes are looking all old and starting to form wrinkles!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My reaction: "OH MY GOODNESS!" ... Mum said use make up. Later we discover it is lack of sleep- phew!!!!!!
After this early morning trauma Mum and i (and Asha) went out to the Raspberry farm for lunch where i consumed a delicious (mini) chicken burger, some raspberry waffles, a raspberry and lemonade, and a hot chocolate! Man was i full!! But it was sooo yummy!
As my present is so expensive it is still on lay-by.. So i received little gifts on the day. From my family i got this willow tree figurine, it is "Angel of Prayer. For those who believe in the power of prayer"

Mum also gave me this big one of a mother and daughter hugging, it is called "Close to me" and says "Apart or together, always close to me" ... Very sweet and appropriate as i am moving out..

On Sunday at church Lisa gave me a gift. It was the "Angel of Hope" and says "Sharing the light of hope and courage" .. Very sweet of her.

Nana and Papa bought me a good watch. I have never had a REALLY good one before, so have never really worn one. It is Silver and was quite expensive. They got it engraved on the back and it says "Makayla 18th Love great nana and papa" ... They are my great grandparents and it means a lot that they got me such a special gift, and that it is engraved, i can keep it forever.

My present from my parents is a Canon digital SLR 450D camera- which i am VERY excited about and don't mind waiting for as it is sooo awesome!!!! =D

After a dinner of roast chicken and vegies we had my favourite desert.. Raspberries and cream!!!!! MMMMM!!

Today we had a Young Womens activity in town where we went opp shopping and had to find the leaders an outfit each to wear to church on Sunday. Far out it was hilarious!!!
The girls were cracking me up because i would pick something out and they would go "oh my goodness Makayla, just because you are in Relief Society now doesn't mean you need to pick out old lady clothes!!!" haha.
They have been very secretive lately and when we went to the park at the end i found out why! They made Georgia and I a cake, because i am leaving and Georgia is just entering young womens. It was very sweet and said "Hi Georgia, au revoir makayla"

We sat and ate that, and they presented Georgia with some chocolates, and me with a notebook covered in pretty material. On the front it said "Life is a journey" ... I opened it up and got all teary when i realised it was filled with a letter from each of them saying beautiful things to me!!!! They even had the Stake young womens leaders and President Prebble and Walters write in it at young women's camp! I flipped through and saw there was one from Simone, and even Jayne. I was so pleased with it, it is VERY sweet!!!! It was the best present that they could have gotten for me...
Unfortunately not all the people they wanted have had a chance to write in it yet, so they took it back off me =( So i only got a chance to read the one on the first two pages (Lisa & Toni!) before they took it back. Hopefully i can have it back soon so i can read all the beautiful messages. It was great guys!!!

I know there are no pictures of me eating dinner or anything on my birthday- i looked horribly tired! And also no cake- i am having two HUGE cakes at my party next week. I will celebrating my birthday properly at my 80's disco party!!!
I had a very nice day and was very blessed with lots of other gifts and messages that i have failed to include here...

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Nettie's Blog said...

i didnt realize it was your bithday when i saw you in Maccas with everyone yesterday...i would have sang you Happy Birthday at the top of my lungs instead of just giving you a pathetic wave....
Happy Birthday..for the rest of a wonderful life of amazing experiences....

Country/City Boy said...

Glad u had a good birthday, lucky you with all the things you got, looking forward to you getting your camera and seeing all the pics you get, you'll be a regular papparazzi

The Kings said...

What a great birthday! Glad you didn't get drunk!!! :)

I knew you would love that book Louise arranged for you - such a lovely idea.

Can't wait till you become the paparazzi :)

The Jacks said...

Don't worry Annette, the day you saw me in Maccas with the yw was the day AFTER my birthday- so you're forgiven =)
And Lisa- i really DO love that book to pieces!

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