Being arty farty

Monday, January 18, 2010

People always say to me that i am "arty farty"... It's a weird expression, but i guess it is because i like to do art. My favourite is painting. As i am moving out i am clearing out stuff, moving stuff and generally just throwing crap out! I was wonder to myself "what is all that behind my t.v.?" ... WELL- it was a huge pile of artwork collected from over the years!
I pulled it out and looked at it, but i just can't throw any of it out just yet. A lot of it are very dodgy pieces of work that should be chucked out, but from those dodgy ones i have learned how to create some half decent ones that i am happy with...
This is the pile!!!

Impressive huh!?

Sometimes i surprise myself and create something i just love to pieces. It may not seem like a "good" piece of work to some people, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
This is a painting i did for Jordan as a thank you to him for giving me his fish tank for free. It is him fishing in the river. It is a different style to every other painting i have done... It is now in his bedroom displayed on his desk.

This one was a major piece for art class this year. The quote is from New Moon, one of the Twilight books. I got A's and B's for it.

And this one is probably my favourite piece i have painted. It is the King family. It is a totally different style to anything i have ever done before. I really enjoyed painting that way, and was quite happy with the result. It sort of looks like the Kings, and i don't know if they love it as much as i do.. I know it is kind of dodgy and rough looking. But i love the style. It is in Kobe's bedroom.

I love the style so much that i have decided to drop Biology this year (which i was going to study) and do pre tertiary art instead. You need a theme to work with for the year, and i am going to make all my paintings in the style of this one of the Kings... Should be interesting...

I know i am not that great at painting, and most of the ones i create need a lot more improvement, but it is fun, and it makes me relax when i paint. I love it, and enjoy being an "arty farty" person a lot!!

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The Kings said...

you are very talented Mak! the other day your painting had fallen down during the night and when I went in to get Kobe he was pointing at it to let me know!

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