So this morning i was lazing around in the lounge room not really doing much when i thought i heard a knock on the door. I was thinking it was just me being paranoid again! Plus i was in my Pjs and hadn't had a shower yet so i was looking pretty dreadful! Probably not good for the person on the other side of the door! ;)
So me being the nice person that i am, ignored it! I forgot all about it until i went out the front door to check the mail. Imagine my surprise when i saw these!!!!
I had a little giggle when i read the card and thought to myself "oooh Simone has a secret admirer"... Check out what it says:
I assumed they were for Simone as i don't know anyone called Richard Evans! But then i looked at the front.. It clearly says MY name.. I don't know how whoever it is knew the address of Simone's house! I didn't even know it until i looked at the card!!!
It is a mystery!! Thank you to whoever it was!!
They made my day!!! =D
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Hi Makayla, that is so cool. Flowers make my day as well. Perhaps you should google his name!!!!
Well the flowers are lovely! Strange coming form a teacher though! Oh well at least he is a thinking guy!
Okay - call me the detective but that name sounded VERY familiar so I googled it (thanks Anna!) and it's actually a quote by a general authority - Richard L Evans!!
So it is NOT your maths teacher thank goodness as I was thinking that is a bit creepy.
you DO have a secret admirer!!!! :) That is very cool.
BTW - I would be careful about putting the address of where you are at on the net for everyone to see - you just never know - there are some weirdos out there.
Thats pretty cool. Haha, Detective Marge, woman of many jobs :)
Good work Lisa!!! I am more excited now!
Lisa I was like you his name sounded fmailiar so I googled it, something must sink in when I read things!!
Good work you two!! I dont know the names of even like 3 general authorities! Im a convert though =D
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